Couples Therapy

Couples Therapy

What to expect from Silver Lake’s Couple’s Therapy?

​In contrast to individual therapy, couples therapy sessions are more structured and requires the therapist to take a leadership role.

Having both partners in the room creates opportunity to try new ways of communicating and behaving, all while a supportive professional is guiding you.

Couples therapy is challenging and often results in powerful, emotional experiences. A couples therapist creates a safe space for these to flourish. The rewards of skill-building and self-development are high.

Couples therapy is best viewed as a path for personal growth. Each partner will be challenged to grow and change individually, which includes changing dysfunctional patterns.

Your therapist is unbiased and trained not to take sides. They will support each of your emotions and experiences of, and in, the relationship. You will also be encouraged to take responsibility for your own happiness within the relationship.

As couples therapy progresses, and you and your partner learn how to communicate safely and constructively, many couples feel emboldened to talk about deeper truths.

How does couples therapy work?

​Couples therapy is a collaborative and structured process that aims to improve the quality of a relationship. Here’s a breakdown of how couples therapy typically works:

Establishing Rapport

The therapist creates a safe and non-judgmental space where both partners can openly express their thoughts and emotions. Building trust and rapport is essential for effective therapy.

Assessment and Goal Setting

The therapist conducts an initial assessment to understand the couple’s concerns, history, and relationship dynamics. This assessment helps identify specific goals for therapy and guides the treatment plan.

Communication and Conflict Resolution

Couples therapy focuses on improving communication skills and conflict resolution techniques. The therapist helps couples identify unhealthy patterns of interaction and teaches effective strategies for expressing needs, active listening, and finding common ground.

Building Emotional Connection

Couples therapy often addresses emotional intimacy and connection. The therapist guides partners to explore and express their emotions, helping them understand and meet each other’s emotional needs.

Exploring Individual Dynamics

Individual experiences and beliefs can influence a relationship. The therapist may delve into each partner’s personal history, past traumas, or unresolved issues that impact the relationship dynamics.

Homework and Practice

Couples are often assigned homework exercises to practice new skills and apply what they learn in therapy. This reinforces the therapeutic progress and helps couples integrate healthier patterns into their daily lives.

Ongoing Evaluation and Adjustment

Throughout therapy, the therapist continually assesses the progress and adjusts the treatment plan as needed. Regular check-ins ensure that the therapy remains aligned with the couple’s evolving needs and goals.

What you will gain from couples therapy?

Couples therapy unlocks numerous benefits for individuals and their relationships. Here are some of the valuable outcomes you can expect from couples therapy:

  1. Enhanced Communication Skills: Couples therapy provides a platform to learn and practice effective communication techniques. You’ll gain insights into your communication patterns and acquire tools to express your needs, actively listen, and engage in productive dialogue with your partner.
  2. Improved Conflict Resolution: Couples therapy equips you with valuable conflict resolution strategies. You’ll learn how to navigate disagreements constructively, manage emotions during conflicts, and find mutually satisfying resolutions that strengthen your bond.
  3. Deeper Emotional Connection: Couples therapy focuses on fostering emotional intimacy. You’ll have the opportunity to explore and express your feelings in a safe environment, leading to a deeper understanding of each other’s emotional needs and a stronger connection in your relationship.
  4. Increased Relationship Satisfaction: Through couples therapy, you can experience greater relationship satisfaction. As you address concerns, develop healthier dynamics, and learn to meet each other’s needs, you’ll create a more fulfilling and harmonious partnership.
  5. Strengthened Trust and Intimacy: Couples therapy addresses issues of trust and intimacy. With the guidance of a therapist, you’ll have the chance to rebuild trust, heal past wounds, and cultivate a deeper sense of intimacy, creating a stronger foundation for your relationship.
  6. Improved Problem-Solving Skills: Couples therapy helps you develop effective problem-solving skills. You’ll gain the ability to approach challenges with a collaborative mindset, work as a team, and find creative solutions that benefit both partners.
  7. Enhanced Self-Awareness: Couples therapy encourages self-reflection and self-awareness. Through the therapeutic process, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of your own emotions, beliefs, and patterns of behavior, leading to personal growth and improved relationship dynamics.
  8. Tools for Sustaining Relationship Health: Couples therapy equips you with tools and techniques to sustain a healthy relationship beyond therapy. You’ll learn how to maintain open communication, navigate future challenges, and nurture the growth of your partnership.

Remember, the specific outcomes of couples therapy may vary depending on the unique dynamics of your relationship and the goals you set with your therapist. However, with commitment, active participation, and the guidance of a skilled professional, couples therapy can bring about transformative changes that positively impact your relationship and overall well-being.

​Reasons to seek couples therapy:

Deciding whether you need couples therapy is a personal choice that depends on the dynamics and challenges within your relationship. But, here are some factors to consider:

Communication Difficulties

If you find it challenging to express your needs, have frequent misunderstandings, or struggle to communicate effectively, couples therapy can help you develop healthier communication patterns and bridge the gap between you and your partner.

Persistent Conflict

If conflicts in your relationship remain unresolved, escalate quickly, or recur frequently, couples therapy can provide a structured and supportive environment to address underlying issues, learn conflict resolution strategies, and find mutually satisfying resolutions.

Trust Issues or Betrayal

If trust has been broken through infidelity, dishonesty, or other significant breaches, couples therapy can help facilitate the healing process, rebuild trust, and work towards restoring the foundation of your relationship.

Life Transitions and Challenges

Major life events, such as marriage, having children, career changes, or loss, can strain a relationship. Couples therapy can assist in navigating these transitions, managing stress, and adapting to new dynamics as a couple.

Lack of Intimacy or Emotional Connection

If you feel disconnected, lack emotional intimacy, or struggle to meet each other’s needs, couples therapy can help you explore underlying factors, improve emotional connection, and cultivate a deeper bond.

Preemptive Relationship Maintenance

Even if your relationship is currently stable, couples therapy can provide valuable tools and strategies to maintain a healthy and thriving partnership. It can help you proactively address potential issues, deepen your understanding of each other, and foster continued growth.

Remember, seeking couples therapy does not mean your relationship is failing. It shows your commitment to personal and relational growth. A skilled couples therapist can provide professional guidance, facilitate effective communication, and help you navigate challenges, fostering a stronger and more fulfilling relationship. Ultimately, the decision to pursue couples therapy should be made mutually and with an open mindset to benefit from the transformative potential it offers.

Other Factors:

  • Pre-marital counseling
  • Infidelity
  • Adjusting to parenthood
  • Chronic conflict
  • Intimacy Issues
  • Toxic conflict
  • Real life struggles
  • Dealing with loss of attraction or libido
  • Overcoming differences
  • Navigating open relationships
  • A safe space to explore dreams and shared goals
  • One or both partners are considering divorce
  • Sexual differences
  • Affordable Couple Counselling

What is the difference between couple therapy and marital therapy?

Couple therapy and marital therapy are two distinct forms of therapeutic interventions focused on improving relationships, but they differ in their specific objectives and scope. Couple therapy encompasses any intimate relationship, regardless of legal status, and aims to enhance overall relationship satisfaction, communication, and conflict resolution skills. It can involve dating, engaged, or cohabiting couples.

On the other hand, marital therapy concentrates exclusively on married couples and addresses challenges unique to the institution of marriage, such as trust, infidelity, and parenting. Both approaches utilize similar techniques, but the choice between them depends on the specific needs and circumstances of the individuals seeking therapy. Consulting a qualified therapist specializing in couples counseling is crucial for effective treatment.

Can couples therapy make things worse?

While couples therapy is generally regarded as a beneficial and effective intervention for improving relationships, there are instances where it may not produce the desired outcomes and could potentially exacerbate existing issues. Couples therapy involves exploring deep emotions, addressing conflicts, and challenging existing patterns of behavior, which can temporarily intensify tensions within the relationship.

Additionally, if one or both partners are unwilling or resistant to the therapeutic process, it can hinder progress and lead to frustration. However, with the guidance of a skilled and experienced therapist, couples therapy can provide a safe and supportive space for couples to navigate challenges and develop healthier ways of relating to each other. Open communication and active participation from both partners are key to achieving positive results in couples therapy.

Does insurance cover couples therapy?

Yes! Many insurance plans cover couples therapy. Our team will check this for you before your first session.

Do we offer LGBTQIA—couples therapy?

Yes, some of our therapists specialize in working specifically with LGBTQIA+ couples. We also welcome poly-amourous couples. All of our therapists are allies and have been trained in working with this community.

We have a diverse team of couples therapists, ranging from associate to senior therapists. Several of our therapists have been trained by our world class therapist dr, Dr. Brandy Engle, author and expert on relationships and sexuality.

We also offer other services like Addiction Specialist, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, Personal Therapy, Teen Therapy, Trauma Therapy, Mindfulness-Based Therapy, OCD Specialists, Depression Specialists, Telehealth, and a lot more!

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